" You will unmask your life's potential once you discovered your hidden talents, You will uncover your hidden talents when you unveil your hobbies "

Farid Latiff

Monday, April 19, 2010

How to learn American English speaking more easily

Everyone learns to speak their native language. Is there some things that kids are missing when they are emerging?

Dr. J. Marvin Brown says that “both adults and children can do it right, but only adults can do it wrong.”

So why we can not use the same approach with a second language? Why we can’t learn American English speaking like children? Easily and without a lot of effort.

In fact we can. There are a lot of researches which shows that adults can learn languages even more easily and fast.

But here is the thing. We need forget all that we were learning in school. Because it is the most important reason why we can not speak American English at all. That’s the reason why we don’t understand anything when American people are talking to each other. Yes, we can read American and English newspapers, but this language is not the same. The people are not speaking that way. Their speech is different. If we want to understand native American speakers and speak with them, we must find the different way.

In 1984, the American University Language Center in Bangkok started using a new approach to teach the Thai language. The method is known as “Automatic Language Growth”.

The first mistake they noticed is that adults are trying to speak in new language to early. They don’t have enough exposure to language yet and they are struggling and feel uncomfortable. They are bringing patterns from their first language and later they are speaking with a strong accent.

Children in the beginning are just listening to the new language. They starts to speak when they are prepared. That’s the big difference.

The second mistake adults make is that they are thinking, that they must study grammar. That’s a huge mistake. A vital mistake. Children do not studying grammar and that’s the key. If we want to learn American English speaking we must learn speaking. Not grammar. Learning American English grammar does not make you fluent. You must train your ears and you must train your mouth.

So how we can learn speaking without grammar. Simply. First of all we must listen. Every day one or two hours. The more is the best. We must listen to easy and understandible content. That builds our confidence. And we must begin to speak when we are prepared only. When we can do this without struggling. It commes authomatically.


  1. yeah.. we need to learn like a baby~

  2. yeah.. US English and BR English are 2 different languages, accents and gramatically..
