" You will unmask your life's potential once you discovered your hidden talents, You will uncover your hidden talents when you unveil your hobbies "

Farid Latiff

Monday, April 26, 2010

The numero uno Idol rocked Malaysians

The first American Idol winner, Kelly Clarkson, rocked Bukit Jalil National Stadium last night at her first "Kelly Clarkson Live In Malaysia" concert, which kicked off her "All I Ever Wanted 2010" Asian tour.

Appearing on stage in a black dress with leggings, the Texas-born singer entertained the audience to a selection of hits taken from her four albums, Thankful (2003), Breakaway (2004), My December (2007) and her latest All I Ever Wanted (2009).

The hits, which had the audience singing along, included All I Ever Wanted, I Do Not Hook Up, Breakaway, Since U Been Gone and Because of You, but it was the last song, My Life Would Suck Without You, that got the audience jumping to their feet.

The 11/2-hour concert also saw the performances of two local singers, the first Malaysian Idol winner, Jaclyn Victor, and One In A Million season one winner Suki.

Clarkson is the most successful American Idol winner to date, with four chart-topping albums and numerous awards, including two Grammys and four American Music Awards.

After having sold over 10.2 million albums in the United States and over 20 million worldwide, Clarkson is also the best-selling Idol winner.

She was so fantastic but she has became a little bit not too much chubby. So tomorrow gonna back home. Thanks to my uncle 'cause he helped me to buy the ticket and I was just in front of her mic, nah cool.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Star-Spangled Banner

Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

p/s : I'm so blessed because I've been living with this song since I was a toddler. I've been honored  to sing this song during the night prom.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Counting The Seconds, Minutes, Hours.

Hi yall! Just wanna let you know something. I'm counting the days to fly off to Malaysia as I've booked the plane ticket prior to Easter celebration. I can't wait to go to KL again! Wanna meet up some of my friends there, got a lot of things to share with them upon my arrival. Kelly, gotcha see you at the National Stadium.

p/s : Alone again, lol.

American Accent Guide

Are you finding it hard to land your dream job because of your accent?

When you speak in English, do native English speakers find it hard to understand what you’re saying?

Do you always end up getting rejected when applying for call center jobs, because of your strong accent?

If all your answers to these questions is yes, then read on.

Here is an easy American Accent guide on how you could have that long sought for American accent to land that dream job!

Since call center agents cater to whole world as their clients, the comprehensibility of their words is essential to be able to answer correctly their customers’ queries clearly and be able to help them in product problems. If you have a strong accent and speaks too fast, sometimes with a certain distinct intonation, clients will find it hard to understand them and sometimes would even cause misunderstandings and conflicts.

This is what we are avoiding, so having a neutral accent, or at best, an American accent is important especially in this line of job.

The first key to having an American accent is proper pronunciation of words. Due to proper pronunciation, you will avoid sounding garbled or as if you’re eating up your words.

Another key in this guide on having an American accent is voice production, intonation and rhythm. Here, we make sure that your voice is clearly heard by the clients. If you speak too soft, or too fast, or with certain intonations, this would affect how your voice is heard on the other end of the line.

You should speak only in moderate speed, so the client can take note of what you’re saying, and at the same time, avoid your words sounding like as if it was jumbled.

Lastly and most importantly, practice. The most important key in this guide on having an American accent, is being an active listener and at the same time, learning to practice. Being an active listener means, paying attention to what the other speaker says – in this case, a native English speaker. By listening carefully to how they pronounce and utter words, including their intonation and rhythm, you can take note of this and try to copy how they do it when you practice. The best way on how to successfully have that American accent is by following how the native speakers do it.

By following this easy guide, you can successfully have that American accent that’ll fix your career problems. You can now take advantage of new and greater job opportunities!

p/s : You could make it just right =)
To know the depth in American Accent CLICK HERE

What Does It Means To Be An American

Some see being an American as a source of pride, embodying the ideals which exemplify the best of humanity. Others believe America has not reached those ideals and must strive to improve both what America could be and what it is right now. Regardless of your philosophy or political outlook, being an American embodies certain rights and responsibilities, imparted by our system of government and the way it chooses to pursue our shared values.

U.S. citizens have rights granted by the Bill of Right (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution). They protect the freedom to speak openly about whatever the speaker wishes, to freely print newspapers and similar journals, to practice whatever religion they see fit and to keep and bear arms. Americans are protected from unreasonable search and seizure, from self-incrimination and from being tried without due process. In addition, they can vote in federal elections, serve on a jury, allow family members to enter the United States, impart citizenship on our children if they are born outside the U.S. and travel with a U.S. passport. These rights are granted to all U.S. citizens, including those born on U.S. soil, those born outside the United States to one or more American parents, and those born outside the United States who have become Americans through naturalization.

In exchange for these rights, Americans are expected to adhere to certain basic responsibilities. They are expected to impart the same rights to fellow Americans that they themselves enjoy. They must allow other people to speak their peace and to let others assemble and worship as they wish. They must obey all laws of the United States, including state and local laws as well as federal laws. They are expected to participate in the democratic process, both by voting and by expressing themselves in appropriate forums. They are also expected to "support and defend the Constitution" and serve the country directly in times of crisis. This last obligation can be a source of controversy, as it was during the Vietnam War when many young men were drafted to fight even though they did not believe that the war was just.

6th Annual PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature


Apr 26, 2010 all day (Monday) to
May 2, 2010 (Sunday)


The Greene Space
44 Charlton Street
Manhattan, NY


150 writers, 40 countries, and more than 50 events. Join PEN for an exciting week-long celebration of books and writing from around the globe

p/s: I will be there!

Monday, April 19, 2010

First Look at Broadway's Everyday Rapture

Sherie Rene Scott will lead the cast in the upcoming Broadway transfer of her musical Everyday Rapture slated to run April 19-July 11 at the American Airlines Theatre.

The Lofty Ideas

In housing terms, loft living is about as open plan as you can get. Once thought of as strictly for artists and bohemian types, loft living is now a sought after lifestyle accessory. Previously, starving artists had to sleep in their studio lofts to avoid paying rent, but now loft living is one of the most sought after type of housing among certain groups of people.

Artists, actors and young business professionals all love the idea of having a loft as their home. It provides maximum space, and improvements can be made if desired. Usually, lofts are found in the commercial areas of a city. Before they were turned into stylish living spaces, the lofts were commercial buildings. Older buildings that have been left empty for years have now been given a new lease on life, thanks to loft living.

Over the past ten years, the idea of loft living has taken a massive leap. The lofts, or as they are sometimes advertised, spaces, are usually located in very large buildings. They also have the benefit of very high ceilings and original wooden floorboards. The windows are also particularly large, providing maximum natural daylight. This excess light is much sought after by artists.

Another bonus of loft living is that the lofts are usually situated in downtown areas. This provides great access to businesses and entertainment areas. In downtown areas, everything is at your doorstep.

Lofts can also be customized to the owner’s specifications. The owner can choose to leave the natural exposed brick wall or cover it with a design of one's choose. One can also place dividers throughout the loft to make separate rooms.

Some of the most coveted loft spaces in the world are situated in Manhattan, New York. Areas such as Soho, Chelsea and Tribecca, where there is an abundance of artistic and creative types, have many lofts. They are also some restrictions to the lofts situated there. For example, one must be a full time artist to live in certain lofts.

In the last ten years, many major cities throughout the world have begun to welcome the idea of loft living. It is a way to generate life into what were previously deserted sections of the inner city. Loft living has come a long way from the romantic days of the starving artists, though for many, it may be seen as a way to bring that idea back to life, albeit for a price.

Loft's a great place to live in. Located at the downtown. I can't wait to own one. Whether many says it seems like an opened box, but it's nice!

How to learn American English speaking more easily

Everyone learns to speak their native language. Is there some things that kids are missing when they are emerging?

Dr. J. Marvin Brown says that “both adults and children can do it right, but only adults can do it wrong.”

So why we can not use the same approach with a second language? Why we can’t learn American English speaking like children? Easily and without a lot of effort.

In fact we can. There are a lot of researches which shows that adults can learn languages even more easily and fast.

But here is the thing. We need forget all that we were learning in school. Because it is the most important reason why we can not speak American English at all. That’s the reason why we don’t understand anything when American people are talking to each other. Yes, we can read American and English newspapers, but this language is not the same. The people are not speaking that way. Their speech is different. If we want to understand native American speakers and speak with them, we must find the different way.

In 1984, the American University Language Center in Bangkok started using a new approach to teach the Thai language. The method is known as “Automatic Language Growth”.

The first mistake they noticed is that adults are trying to speak in new language to early. They don’t have enough exposure to language yet and they are struggling and feel uncomfortable. They are bringing patterns from their first language and later they are speaking with a strong accent.

Children in the beginning are just listening to the new language. They starts to speak when they are prepared. That’s the big difference.

The second mistake adults make is that they are thinking, that they must study grammar. That’s a huge mistake. A vital mistake. Children do not studying grammar and that’s the key. If we want to learn American English speaking we must learn speaking. Not grammar. Learning American English grammar does not make you fluent. You must train your ears and you must train your mouth.

So how we can learn speaking without grammar. Simply. First of all we must listen. Every day one or two hours. The more is the best. We must listen to easy and understandible content. That builds our confidence. And we must begin to speak when we are prepared only. When we can do this without struggling. It commes authomatically.


by farid latiff,

Breezy crack of dawn shake the buds of roses,

We congregated, in a little while apart;
Thee expressed the feelings deep buried in the heart,
Heard by the flock of mocking-birds, city folks;
Vanish those sham thoughts!,
Painful to be customary – astonished;
Bespoke with those asinine feelings,
Hours of darkness, love was shared;
Humbug to bear, burst out the reality,
Admission of guilt, I’m sorry;
Ô God, show me the precise path,
Bogus Love.

p/s : This poem has been published for April Stony Brook's Publication and has been attached on Lulu Poetry

Apologize - Kris Allen [COVER]

Sexiest Christmas Carol From Kris Allen

Simple Exercises To Improve The Quality Of Your Voice

Developing vocal intonation and diction can be a life-long task. However, you can improve the quality of your speaking voice in a short time, with a few simple exercises.

One of the easiest ways to improve the quality of your voice. To see how well it works, speak a sentence in your normal voice. Then hum for five minutes. Hum so your lips vibrate. Hum high, hum low. Then speak the same sentence again. You’ll notice a cleaner, more forward sound. That’s the natural sound and placement of your voice.

Yawn with sound. Open your mouth and throat as if yawning and repeat the word ‘mood’ distinctly three times, pitched as low as you can without growling. Feel the ‘oo’ sound coming from your chest. This vowel opens your throat. Now, with your throat open in that position, say the word ‘nice’ three times; then ‘mood’ three times; and ‘nice’ three times. Repeat this ten times.

Now say ‘mood’ three times; with the throat in the ‘oo’ position say the words ‘early’, then ‘regular,’ ‘Mary,’ ‘pie,’ ‘fancy’ and ‘three.’ Always say ‘mood’ first and be sure to pronounce distinctly. This exercise takes the shrillness and nasal quality out of any voice and make it mellow.

Follow it up with some facial stretching – smile hard, then relax. Open your face as if to scream, hold for a second, then relax. Finish up with some gentle head rolls. A relaxed face and neck is a necessary vessel for a relaxed, assertive voice.

Work your T’s (a waste for Americans to follow it, haha)
Enunciation is generally the weakest element in our speech. We assume that the way we pronounce words in regular conversation is sufficient for public speaking. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Listening to David Allen present his GTD material, I am constantly distracted because he pronounces the word ‘important’, ‘impordant’. Substituting ‘D’ for ‘T’ is one of the most common mistakes speakers make—’notice’ becomes ‘nodice’ and ‘little’ becomes ‘liddle’.

Singers have a simple exercise they use to improve enunciation. They sing the phrase, “the tip of the tongue, the teeth the lips.” Say that phrase repeatedly, at ever increasing speed. Focus on keeping each of the words clear and distinct. You don’t need much—small changes make a big difference.

Breathing is the support for our speaking voice. If you are anxious and your breathing is tight the quality of your voice will suffer. Simple breathing exercises will change your speech and help you relax.

Sit down. Lean forward and place your forearms on your knees. Take a slow, deep and noiseless breath though your mouth. Expand your waistline as you fill with air, but do not raise your shoulders. Sit back straight and repeat the exercise.

Stand straight with your arms relaxed at your sides. Inhale slowly through your nose, with your throat open. As you breath in, count to four slowly and raise your arms until they meet over your head. Lower your hands with a slow count to four, exhaling with a hissing ‘S’ sound.

Discover Your Hidden Talents

Many of us are born into this world with talents and abilities. Some have the ability to work with numbers, others have talents to hit a ball and run, while still others are good caretakers. Many people get into various jobs and careers. Some times we look at other people and think, "Boy weren't they lucky to be gifted with that talent or that ability." We look at the sports stars who are earning mega-million dollar contracts and inside we wish we were able to do the same thing.

Well the great thing about being born into this world is that no matter where we were born, where we grew up, what we are doing now for a job or career, we ALL have within us a Secret Hidden Talent. Let's look closely at where that talent came from and how it was developed. Many of us do not really remember things that occurred in the first five years of our lives. However, right around age five, we start to interact with other people outside of our families. It is this interaction that causes this secret hidden talent to start to develop.

We go to school and hear the teacher read us a story about Jack and his dog who helped stop a fire. We go home and we tell our mother and father about the story. Or maybe we hear a funny joke and we just have to tell every one of our friends at school or in the neighborhood.

As we are watching our favorite television show, we see a commercial on the latest, hottest new toy. We just have to get that, so who do we tell? That's right, Mom & Dad. Do we tell them about this toy ONCE? No, we continue to tell them over and over and over about how great it will be if you had that toy. We tell them that we will clean up our room or take out the trash for the next kazillion years if they will ONLY buy that toy for us. Sometimes this works, many times it does not. But the interesting thing is that during this whole time we have been developing our secret hidden talent.

Now that you understand how you developed this secret hidden talent, you are probably asking, "What is this secret hidden talent?" Well if you look at what was briefly described above, you will see that every one of us on the planet have been recommending or referring things to our family and our friends. You see as you grew older the types of things that you recommend and refer change. You no longer are telling your friends about a toy you saw on the Saturday morning cartoons. However, you are telling them about a great restaurant, a special sale, or a great movie.

In fact, if you are an NFL football fan, many people are aware of "The Catch" that occurred during a game between the Steelers and the Raiders. If you watched that game, guess what you talked about on Monday morning at work. That's right - The Catch. You told everyone you knew about how lucky or talented Franco Harris was when he grabbed that ball and ran for a touchdown.

Maybe you went to a friend's wedding over the weekend and you loved the arrangements and decorations, the brides maids dresses and especially the bride's dress. You run into a friend who was not able to attend and you tell them all about it and how they should use this in their upcoming wedding.

What has occurred in each and every case? You have told someone about a product or service or event that occurred. This is your secret hidden talent. The more you tell others about products, services, or events, the better you get. In fact, most people use this talent every day of their life from age five.

Amazingly, most people use this secret hidden talent every day of their lives but they do not realize that they could actually get paid for it. That's right, you heard correctly. You can get paid for this talent. Here's is an example that my friend, Michael, shared with a taxi cab driver. As he was riding from the airport to his hotel, he asked the cab driver where was a good place to eat. The cab driver told him the top eating spots. My friend asked the cab driver his name, which was Oliver. He then asked Oliver if he went into the restaurant and told them that Oliver sent him to the restaurant, would they send Oliver a referral check at the end of the month. Oliver said "NO WAY!" My friend then asked Oliver if he would like to find out how he could get paid for his secret hidden talent. Oliver wanted to know more about getting paid for what he did every day.

You see, my friend, Michael, is one of the few people who have been able to utilize his secret hidden talent and get paid for it. In fact he has been doing this every day for over 20 years. Amazing, isn't it? The fact is many people around the world are recommending and referring and getting paid for it. They are recommending various products and service such as soap, air filters, water filters, nutritional products, cosmetics, computers, telecommunication services such as long distance, pagers, cell phones, Internet, web pages, shopping malls, and the list goes on. These people told others about the products and services that they purchased and at the end of the month they received a referral check.

Here is another story. I have another friend, who worked very hard for over 30 years and decided to retire from his job. Someone told him about his secret hidden talent and told him that he had a choice of getting paid for using it. He decided getting paid was a better option. The interesting thing is that in ten months, he was able to match his salary at his former job of thirty years. Why? Because he decided to use his secret hidden talent and get paid instead of being like most people who use it and don't get paid.

Would you like to know how you can get paid for something you are already doing every day?

Would you like to discover how to fully utilize your secret hidden talent TODAY?

Remember, most people use this secret hidden talent every day, they just don't get paid for it.

If you are ready to learn how you can get paid for using your secret hidden talent, I will be happy to show you how to get started TODAY.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My closest friend is coming down to the USA

Hi y'all! How are you doin'?. For me I'm just in the pink of health and tomorrow I'm goin' to spend my day just with my closest friend from Malaysia. Recently, his parents made up the decision to migrate to the USA. The two years waited, has been paid off!. I'm just glad to hear that. No thing can segregate us nor separate us. We'll congregate at my house. Truth be told, I wanna fetch him up at Washington DC but it's quite far from here, so I'm just waitin' for his arrival here. I hope he'll arrive here safely. He said to me once, "hey once I arrived there I wanna set up an ice-blended booth with you". Then I said to myself, what a wow this could be something. It's so interesting because it's about business and I do love business. Americans love ice-blended, but not the ordinary ones. Hey dude, I can't wait for that ok! You'll be my best partnership here. We'll divide 50/50 then. Upon your arrival, I think I'm gonna help you at every aspect. I guess I've a brand new name for our booth =). We congregate first, then I'll let you know about it! The location, in front of the loft perhaps? So-so lofty ideas!!

p/s: anybody is coming here?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Immigration to the USA


"I hopped of a plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan, welcome to the land of fame excess, am I gonna fit in"
Friends of mine from Malaysia asked me, how to become the expats in the USA to be truth the legal immigrants. Well, it's not that easy to become the LPR (Legal Permanent Resident) nor to get the citizenship or residency. I'll give you 5 legal ways to migrate to the USA.

  • The US embassy is stricter in issuing immigrant visas than they are when giving out tourist or non-immigrant visas. Since it would be easier to enter the US under a tourist visa, once there, you can offer your skills and services to potential employers who are willing to sponsor you and make it possible for you to officially migrate to the US with a work visa. Most Filipinos are resorting to migrate to the US using this scheme as it would mean a lesser waiting period for them. There are a many job agencies in California that offer jobs where there employer is willing to be a visa sponsor.
  • There are a lot of Filipino industries that are expanding their operations in the US and other countries. You may have a chance to migrate to the US if you get to be one of those individuals who can be sent to start up an American desk of your company. This is called an L Visa or intracompany transfer visa. The great thing about this visa is that you can take your whole immediate family with you.
  • You can also migrate to the US via the fiancee visa if you are lucky in finding that special American or Fil-Am someone online. However, you have to be cautious when it comes to looking for love online. You may want to correspond to these people via live chats through web cam instead of signing up in dating sites. Do a thorough background check to make sure that they are as unattached as you are to ensure your safety when you do get to migrate to the US. Yahoo’s webcam and dating channel is a good way to find singles in the US looking to meet friends the world over.
  • You can also migrate to the US by applying for a college student visa, as many colleges and universities offer scholarships for foreigners. Once in the US, you can get an intern job and a sponsorship from a company that would then process it into a working visa. After a few years, you may officially migrate to the US. by applying for a green card.
  • Of course, one of the almost sure-fire ways to migrate to the US is having an immediate relative such as your parent or sibling there sponsor you. This method is probably the longest and hardest way to migrate to the US as it is subject to more restrictions and policies and could take years to process. If you are a married adult child of a petitioner, the wait could be decades. If the petitioner is your sibling, the wait is even longer!
p/s : Goodluck to those applicants. Guys, I'm waiting for you. Don't forget to pay a visit to Manhattan once you arrived.

Coming Down To Malaysia!

Hello guys, this 23rd I'll take my flight to Malaysia. Gotcha meet Kelly Clarkson at the National Stadium. Thanks to my uncle 'cause he bought me the ticket to be at the "rock zone"... Can't wait to meet her for All I Ever Wanted..
p/s : see you there !

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The 10 Things to Talk About This Weekend

1. The Supreme Court vacancy. If Obama is really after diversity, he’ll hire a WASP.

2. “Glee” returns. A grateful nation demands more scenes of Jane Lynch in a cone bra.

3. Charlie Sheen is considering leaving “Two and a Half Men.” Charlie Sheen + lots of downtime = Code Orange.

4. Forbes says Glenn Beck makes $2 million yearly from TV and $13 million from publishing. Who said literature was a dying medium?

5. More staff-groping stories from the former congressman Eric Massa, who has said, “I’m a salty old sailor.” Brings new meaning to the phrase, “a pinch of salt.”

6. The atheists Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens call for the pope to be arrested for crimes against humanity. Godtcha.

7. Our troops are blasting Metallica and Thin Lizzy to try to drive the Taliban out of suspected strongholds. They’d get faster results with a Céline Dion CD that skips.

8. Chocolate bacon funnel cake is now on the menu at Knott’s Berry Farm. America: unafraid.

9. Discovery Communications agrees to pay Sarah Palin $1.2 million per episode to host the TV series “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.” Episodes to include “Aerial Wolf Hunt” and “Drill, Baby, Drill.”

10. According to Kitty Kelley’s new book, Oprah once said, “Oprah does not do stairs.” My new mantra.

Two Experts on Manhattan Primates

"DOING ART’ Bridget Polk, building rock sculptures near the Hudson. “It’s a mixed bag of fun.”

A WOMAN descended from the hero who unified Germany was chatting with a woman descended from a Puerto Rican matriarch raised in a family of 14. The setting was a cocktail party on the terrace of the Grand Suite at the Pierre and the subject was diet, always fit fuel for discussion in a town where startling numbers go hungry by choice.

“My mother called it the soap dish,” said Candy Pratts Price, a contributing editor at Vogue, referring to a collarbone hollow prized by social X-rays and judged by social scientists to be a sign of malnourishment.

Skinny does not come cheap, and Vanessa von Bismarck’s soap dish, set off by a cowl collar dress from Balenciaga, was attained at a West Coast spa popular with people who pay $4,000 a week to dine on spinach purée and leaves. “At the beginning I was furious because I only lost four pounds,” said Ms. von Bismarck, a power fashion publicist. “But when I got home my metabolism was so elevated” from a regime of mung beans and hikes, she said, “that I lost another 15 and 20 inches and kept it all off.”

Primates are silly creatures and cannot be counted on to act in their own best interest. This is something Michael Lorentz can attest to, as he did that particular night.

Mr. Lorentz is an African game guide who some — including Alexandra Penney, the best-selling writer and Madoff dupe who now blogs as The Bag Lady for the Daily Beast, and Richard David Story, the editor of Departures magazine — claim is the best on that continent. Mr. Lorentz views himself with more modesty, possibly because his familiarity with the African wild comes not by way of a storied White Hunter heritage. He got into guiding in his 20s after running a catering business in suburban Johannesburg.

Now 44, Mr. Lorentz operates an elephant camp in Botswana. He also conducts people from the rarefied stratum of “high net-worth individuals” on safaris that serve the dual purpose of showing off Africa’s imperiled fauna and holding up a mirror of interdependence to the hairless apes responsible for pushing so many fellow creatures to the brink.

“For all our supposed sophistication, a human is still an animal, a primate,” Mr. Lorentz said, as sunset flashed pink over Bergdorf Goodman. And primates, he added, “are probably among the most appalling offshoots that exist of mammalian evolution.” The more time one spends around other species, he added, “the more you realize how foolish humans are.”

But this you can learn without taking a trip to Botswana. This you can deduce from any stroll around New York. This you can glean by leaving the wilds of Central Park for the shores of the Hudson, walking north from 96th Street in the direction of Fairway on 125th Street to a place on the banks of the river where a woman is crouched on her haunches balancing rocks.

Is she making sculpture, meditating, working off karma, conjuring up metaphors for human struggle or making an elaborate joke? She is doing all of these things, the woman will tell you, as she pauses from marrying an 80-pound sliver of schist to a granite hunk.

“It’s a mixed bag of fun,” said Bridget Polk, who shares a name but little else in common with a famous Warhol actress. “I’m doing art, meditating, teaching and being a comedian.”

To a surprising degree it is comedy that takes the upper hand, Ms. Polk said, and this owes to the simple fact that humans, and maybe especially New Yorkers, have a funny way of nosing into one another’s affairs. “People watch and watch and then they work up the courage to ask a question,” she said. And what do they ask? “They say, ‘Do you do these here?’ ”

The sculptor laughed then, as she does a lot, at the absurdity of other people and her own. “People say, ‘Do you use glue?’ ” They ask whether she assembles the sculptures first and brings them with her to this stretch of shoreside riprap.

They stop and stare while she finds the sweet spot where gravity will miraculously hold a diamond-shaped slab of rock poised on a granite boulder.

“There are so many paradoxes about this,” said Ms. Polk, a California native who at 49 has been a waiter, actor, carpenter, accountant, personal assistant and creator of balloon sculptures for bar mitzvahs and weddings. A person of what she called addictive nature, Ms. Polk found an outlet for her compulsivity seven months ago when she made the idle but somehow fateful decision to get off her bike and start balancing rocks.

“If you Google rock-balancing, you are not going to think I am special at all, so don’t do that,” the sculptor said. Still, she added, “I get more attention for this than anything I’ve ever done.”

People reverently circle the sculptures. They add rocks of their own and turn them into cairns. They also, and not infrequently, shove them over. “I used to feel like: ‘Hey, wait, I did that! You’re ruining the symmetry!’ ” she said. “But then I got this sweet feeling of loving it that somebody felt free to add to the sculpture or knock it over if they felt like.”
Gravity, she pointed out, is not her invention. “These rocks are not mine.”
Like Mr. Lorentz’s animal treks, Ms. Polk’s rock balancing brings her into contact with an always revolving cast of strangers. Like the game guide’s more commercial projects, it creates accidental communities and sneaks up on them with some stealth philosophy. New York, for all the concrete jungle clichés, Ms. Polk said, “has always seemed to me to be to be about community and interdependence.”

“We have this reputation for being really nasty, but I prefer to think of us as a big dysfunctional happy family.”

My Debut Introductory

I've four siblings and I'm the third in the list. My father works as an entrepreneur of the Automobile Trading in NYC and as for my mother she works as a writer and she does write for politicals, health, fashions, music and many more.

Well, I'm living in Soho, Manhattan. The life in here is so cool and so many things are just right infront of you. Prior to New York City, I spent my childhood in Little Rock, AR. It is a great state till now. Subsequently, we moved to NYC.

Afterwards, finished the 12 Grades and obtained good grades. I enrolled at Stony Brook University, NYC and my field of discipline is English Literature and Linguistics Studies.

Wanna know me more? Just ask me! =)